Scotty creek research station
A non-profit, Indigenous-led Research Station

Photos - 2013 Field Season - March

Getting ready to launch
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A few lessons on snowmobiling
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Settling into the First Lake Camp
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Time to "turn in". Good night!
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Breakfast for the team.
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Then off for a day of snow surveying
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And following closely behind..
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Sometimes we need to dig for data
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All stations runing well.
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A day comes to an end at Scotty.
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Thanks for dinner Ana!
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We forgot to bring the chess board?
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Okay enough chess, break out the cards and the....
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Michael demonstrating his ski-doo skills.
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Stacey proves there are fish in Goose Lake
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Michael clearing the entrance
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Quick trip back to Checkpoint
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Wayne Mackay (left) preparing to..
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Ryan snow surveying in the heat.
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Ana downloading the Magna-probe.
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Spring cleaning!
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Construction of new facilities
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Ana oversees the finishing touches
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Another sun set...
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...and moon rise.
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Great shot Michael!
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The last morning.
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